Adafruit Industries2701
наим.произв.rohs Complianceцена
Accelerometer/Magnetometer Compass Module | 1120
LSM303 Accelerometer/Magnetometer Sensor Development Board
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~3655.72 ₽
Adafruit IoT Pi Printer Project Pack v2 | 1289
Thermal Printer Project Pack
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~28108.72 ₽
Adafruit Raspberry Pi Zero Case | 3252
Black/Clear Polycarbonate Surface Mount Electronic Enclosure
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~1161.52 ₽
Analog Light Sensor | 2748
ALS-PT19 Ambient Light Sensor Breakout Board
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~611.33 ₽
Arduboy | 3264
Arduboy game play, 32KB Flash, 2.5KB RAM, 1KB EEPROM, ATmega32u4
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~15703.72 ₽
B/W 16x2 Character LCD Kit for Pi | 1115
LCD Character Module Development Kit
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~4878.37 ₽
Bluefruit LE Shield | 2746
MDBT Bluetooth Shield Board
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~4878.37 ₽
Bluefruit LE | 1697
nRF8001 Bluetooth Breakout Board
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~4878.37 ₽
Brass Sponge Solder Tip Cleaner | 1172
Soldering Tools Accessories, Brass Sponge Solder Tip Cleaner
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~3667.95 ₽
Computer Add-On Pack for Raspberry Pi | 2129
Computer Add-On Pack for Raspberry Pi
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~5611.96 ₽
Contact-less Infrared Thermopile Sensor | 2023
TMP007 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Breakout Board
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~1736.16 ₽
Cooling Fan for Raspberry Pi | 3368
DC Fan Axial 5V 30 X 30 X 8mm
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~855.86 ₽
Cupcade: Raspberry Pi Micro Arcade Cabinet | 1783
Raspberry Pi-Powered Micro Arcade Cabinet Kit - v1.0
Adafruit Industries~23218.12 ₽
Data Logging Shield | 1141
Flash Card Shield Board
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~3985.84 ₽
DC and Stepper Motor HAT | 2348
TB6612 Motion Motor Control Shield Board
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~5501.93 ₽
DC Motor + Stepper FeatherWing | 2927
TB6612 Motion Motor Control Development Board
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~5699.99 ₽
DC Motor in Micro Servo Body | 2941
DC Motor in Micro Servo Body
Adafruit Industries~855.86 ₽
DC Toy/Hobby Motor | 711
DC Toy / Hobby Motor - 130 Size
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~567.31 ₽
DC/Stepper Motor Driver | 2448
TB6612 Motion Motor Control Breakout Board
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~1210.42 ₽
DIY Gamer Kit | 2123
DIY Gamer Kit is an Arduino controlled gaming device
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~16266.14 ₽
Feather HUZZAH ESP8266 | 2821
ESP8266 802.11 Wireless LAN Development Board
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~4303.73 ₽
Finger Print Sensor | 751
Fingerprint Sensor 5V 4-Pin
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~12214.27 ₽
FONA 800 Shield | 2468
SIM800 Cellular Module Development Tool
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~9768.97 ₽
Hook-up Wire Spool Set | 1311
Hook-up Wire Spool Set - 22AWG Solid Core - 6 x 25 ft
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~4406.43 ₽
HUZZAH CC3000 | 1469
CC3000 802.11 Wireless LAN Breakout Board
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~8546.32 ₽
IR Distance Sensor | 1031
IR distance sensor includes cable (20cm-150cm) - GP2Y0A02YK
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~3900.25 ₽
Joy Bonnet | 3464
Joy Bonnet for Raspberry Pi
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~3655.72 ₽
Keyboard &a; Mouse Set | 1738
Wireless Keyboard &a; Mouse Combo w/Batteries, One USB Port
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~4878.37 ₽
Kippah for Raspberry Pi w/ Touch | 2453
TFT Module Development Tool
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~4878.37 ₽
Konstruktor Kit | 1672
Film Camera Kit
Adafruit Industries~10972.06 ₽
Liquid Flow Meter | 828
Liquid Flow Meter - Plastic 1/2 Inch NPS Threaded
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~3171.55 ₽
Micro Servo | 2307
Servo Motors DC Motor 6.6VDC 1Shaft
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~3469.88 ₽
MicroSD Card Adapter | 1692
Micro SD Card adapter for Raspberry Pi
Adafruit Industries~1454.95 ₽
MicroSD Card Adapter | 1693
Green Shortening Microsd Adapter For Raspberry Pi And Macbooks
Adafruit Industries~621.11 ₽
MicroSD Card Adapter | 1763
Black Shortening microSD adapter for Raspberry Pi And Macbooks
Adafruit Industries~1454.95 ₽
Microsoft IoT Pack w/ Raspberry Pi | 2733
Microsoft Internet Of Things Pack For Raspberry Pi3 (RP3 included)
Adafruit Industries~33921.2 ₽
Microsoft IoT Pack w/o Raspberry Pi | 2702
(Pi Not Included) Microsoft Internet Of Things Pack For Raspberry Pi3
Adafruit Industries~18339.75 ₽
Mini 3-Wire Volt Meter | 705
Mini 3-wire Volt Meter, 4.5V to 28V DC power, 0V to 99.9V DC measurement
Adafruit Industries~2271.68 ₽
Mini Robot Rover Chassis Kit | 2939
Mini Robot Rover Chassis Kit - 2WD With DC Motors
Adafruit Industries~6101.02 ₽
Mini Wireless USB Keyboard/Touchpad | 922
Keyboard 84 Key USB Connector
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~12214.27 ₽
MintyBoost Kit v3.0 | 14
Battery Charger 5VDC Output Evaluation Kit
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~4768.34 ₽
Motor Shield v2 | 1438
TB6612 Motion Motor Control Shield Board
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~4878.37 ₽
Muscle Sensor | 2699
MyoWare Muscle Sensor
Adafruit Industries~9301.92 ₽
Music Maker Shield | 1788
VS1053B Audio CODEC Shield Board
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~8546.32 ₽
Music Maker Shield | 1790
VS1053B Audio CODEC Development Tool
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~7323.67 ₽
Negative RGB 16x2 LCD Kit for Pi | 1110
LCD Character Module Development Kit
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~6101.02 ₽
NFC/RFID Breakout Board | 364
Rfid/Nfc Breakout And Shield
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~9768.97 ₽
NFC/RFID Shield | 789
PN532 NFC/RFID Reader and Writer Shield Board
Adafruit IndustriesRoHS Compliant~11412.22 ₽
Panel Temperature Meter | 576
Panel Temperature, 4.5V to 30V DC input, Blue LED display
Adafruit Industries~2433.07 ₽
Particle IoT Starter Pack for Raspberry Pi | 3312
BCM2837 Application Processor and SOC Development Kit 1200MHz CPU 1GB RAM Linux/Win 10
Adafruit Industries~26304.09 ₽